References and data sources
References and data sources are here classified by segments/types/origins of the source used on this website. In each segment/type are presented only the significant and most used references, in the alphabetical order.
Total number of all possible sources (used in texts for this website) may amount up to several thousands of sources and items.
Main references of IR-theory
Daron Acemoglu, James Robinson: Why Nations Fail, The origins of power, prosperity and poverty, New York 2012
Amitav Acharya: The End of American World Order, UK, 2014
Amitav Acharya, Barry Buzan: Non-Western International relations Theory, NY, 2010 Routledge
Graham Allison: Destined to War. Can America and China escape Thucydides Trap. NY 2017
James A., Bellacqua ed: The Future of China-Russia Relations (Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky2010).
Michael Brecher and Jonathan Wilkenfeld: A study of crisis, 2nd edition, Ann Arbor MI: UMiP 2000
Michael Brecher, Frank P. Harvey: Realism and institutionalism in international studies, UMP 2002
Stephen Brooks, William Wohlforth: World Out of Blance; International Relations and the Challenge of American Primacy, Princeton University 2008
The Crowe Memorandum: Sir Eyre Crowe and Foreign Office Perceptions of Germany, 1918-1925,
DIIS · Danish Institute for International Studies: New geostrategic game: WILL CHINA AND RUSSIA FORM AN ALLIANCE AGAINST THE UNITED STATES? 2015:7
Roger V. Dingman: Theories of and Approaches to Alliance Politics, in Diplomacy: New Approaches in Theory, History and Policy ed. by Paul Gordon Lauren, NY 1979
Jack Donenelly: Realism and International Relations, CUP 2000
European strategic partnership observatory (ESPO): China’s strategic partnership diplomacy: engaging with a changing world. Working paper 8, June 2014
Francis Fukuyama: The End of History and the Last Man, Free Press 1992
Martin Griffiths: International relations theory for the twenty-first century: an introduction, Routledge 2007
Judith Goldstein, Robert Keohane (ed.): Ideas & Foreign Policy: Beliefs, Institutions and Political Change, CUP 1993
Andrew K Hanami (ed): Perspectives on Structural Realism, Palgrave Macmillan, NY, 2003
Birthe Hansen: Unipolarity and World Politics, Theory and its Implications, Routledge, NY 2011
John K. Hobson: The Eurocentric Conception of World Politics. Western International Theory, 1760-
2010. Cambridge University Press. (2012)
Samuel P. Huntington: The Clash of Civilization and the Remaking of World Order, 1996
Graeme P. Herd: Great Powers and Strategic Stability in the 21st Century; Competing Visions of World Order, Routledge, 2010
Colin S. Gray: War, Peace and International Relations, Routledge, London 2007
G. John Ikenberry: New Thinking in International Relations, Westview Press, 1997
G. John Ikenberry: After Victory: Institutions, Strategic Restraint, and the Rebuilding of Order after Major Wars, PUP 2001
G. John Ikenberry (ed.), America Unrivaled: The Future of the Balance of Power (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2002)
G. John Ikenberry: International Relations Theory and the Asia-Pacific, Columbia University Press, 2003
Ikenberry, Mastanduno, Wohlforth: International Relations Theory and the Consequences of Unipolarity, CUP, 2011
Efraim Inbar, Jonathan Rynhold (ed): US Foreign Policy and Global Standing in the 21st Century, Routledge, 2016
Robert Jackson and Georg Sorensen: Introduction to International relations, Theories & Approaches, 6th ed. 2016
Robert Jervis, Francis J. Gavin, Joshua Rovner, Diane N.Labrosse (eds.): Chaos in the Liberal Order, CUP, NY, 2018
Thomas M Kane: Theoretical Roots of US Foreign Policy, Machiavelli and American Unilateralism, Routledge, 2006
Ethan B. Kapstein and Michael Mastanduno (eds), Unipolar Politics: Realism and State Strategies after the Cold War (New York: Columbia University Press, 1999)
Paul Kennedy: The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, NY, 1989
Emil J Kirchner and James Sperling: National Security Cultures, Routledge 2010
Henry Kissinger, World Order (London: Penguin Books, 2014)
Henry Kissinger, On China, 2011
Charles P. Kindleberger: Manias, Panics and Crashes, 5th edition 2005, New Jersey
Igor Kovac: The power structure of the post-Cold War internationals system, Ljubljana 2012
George Liska: Nations in Alliance, The Limits of Interdependence (Baltimore 1962)
Jacques Martin: When China Rules the Word: The End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order, (London: Penguin Press, 2009)
John Mearsheimer: The Tragedy of Great Power politics, 2001
John Mearsheimer: The Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2018
Liu Mingfu: The China Dream: Great Power Thinking and Strategic Posture in the Post-American Era, CN Times Books Inc. 2015
Nuno P Monteiro: Theory of Unipolar Politics, CUP, 2014
Hans J Morgenthau: Politics Among Nations, NY 1967
Hans J Morgenthau: Alliances in Theory and Practice, Alliance Policy in the Cold War, (Baltimore 1959)
Thomas Mowle, David Sacko: The Unipolar World: An Unbalanced Future. Palgrave Macmillan, 2007
Joseph Nye: The Future of Power, NY, Public Affairs, 2011
T.V. Paul (ed.), International Relations Theory and Regional Transformation, CUP 2012
Richard N. Rosecrane and Steven E. Miller, editors: The Next Great War? MIT Press London 2015
Segberg, Dyllick-Brenzinger, Hoffmann, Mauersberger: Global Politics; How to use and apply theories of international relations, Berlin 2006
Anne-Marie Slaughter: International Relations, Principal Theories, OUP, 2011
Joseph Tainter: The Collapse of Complex Societies, CUP,1988
P Toft: The Way of the Vanquished, Fallen Great Powers and Responses to Collapse, University of Copenhagen 2006
Andrei Tsygankov: Russia’s Foreign Policy: Change and Continuity in National Identity, second ed. (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield 2010).
Paul R Viotti: American Foreign Policy, Cambridge, 2010
Stephen M Walt: The Origins of Alliances, CUP 1987
Stephen M Walt: (2002). The enduring relevance of the realist tradition. New York: W.W. Norton Company.
Stephen M Walt: Taming American Power. The Global Response to US Primacy, NY, Norton, 2005
Kenneth N. Waltz: Man, the State and War: A Theoretical Analysis, 1959
Kenneth N Waltz: Theory of International Politics, 1979
Kenneth N Waltz: Realism and International Politics. Routledge. 2008.
Cynthia Weber: International relations theory; a critical introduction, Routledge 2014
Zhang Wenmu: Sea Power and China’s Strategic Choices, 2009
Zhang Wenmu: Chinese Geopolitics, 2015
Fareed Zakaria: The Post-American World, NY 2008
A Match Made in Heaven? Strategic Convergence between China and Russia, January 2007,
Some often-used websites
Some often-used US websites:
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, website
The Jamestown Foundation, website
RAND Corporation, website
Jane’s Defense & Security Intelligence & Analysis, website
Institute for the study of war (ISW), website
Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS), website
Some often-used Russian websites:
Russia in global affairs, website
Russian Institute for Strategic Studies (RISS), website
Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC), website, website
Russian Military Analysis, website
The International Affairs Journal, A Russian Journal of World Politics, Diplomacy and International Relations, website International Affairs Journal ( , International Affairs Digital Archive – East View
Some often-used Chinese websites:
China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies, website
Belt and Road Portal, website
Global Times, website
China Military,
Asia Times, website
Articles of Scientific magazines, used in theoretical texts of this website
American Journal of Political Science
American Political Science Review
China Quarterly of International Studies
China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly
Comparative Political Studies
Contemporary Security Policy
The Diplomat Magazine
European Journal of International Relations
Foreign Affairs
Foreign Policy
Foreign Policy Journal
Geopolitics Alert
The Globalist
Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies
International Affairs
International Organizations
International Relations
International Studies Quarterly
International Security
Journal of Common Market Studies
Journal of Conflict Resolution
Journal of Contemporary China
Journal of Eurasian Studies
Journal of Strategic Studies
The National Interest
Project Syndicate
Review of International Relations
Review of International Studies
Russia in Global Affairs
Security Studies
World Politics
Some useful youtube-videos:
Graham Allison on the Thucydides Trap | Munich Security Conference 2020 Graham Allison and General David Petraeus discuss the great power rivalry between the US and China, March 2020
U.S. Presidential Election-The Clash of Great Powers: China’s Rise and the Challenge to U.S. Primacy; John Mearsheimer, October 2020
Stephen Walt – The World Order after the Pandemic, October 2020
General media sites and newspapers: articles used in texts on this website

Think Tanks, other research institutions and organizations

General military affairs, military websites, reports and military news

The US, reports and publications / Military affairs

Russia, reports and publications / Military affairs

China, reports and publications / Military affairs